The Parish Council is responsible for:​
upkeep of the village street lighting
commenting on planning applications
the village notice board
general maintenance around the village
setting the precept
shaping the long term development policy for the Parish
commenting on planning applications in the Parish
identifying issues which are important to the lives of residents .
bringing about improvements through local projects
Welcome to Beeston Regis
The Parish Council has 11 seats, all of which are currently filled.
It meets monthly (usually on the second Wednesday of the month) at The Scout Headquarters, Cromer Road, Beeston Regis at 7.00pm
Notices/Agendas are displayed throughout the Parish including four Parish Council noticeboards.
Minutes, when approved by the council, are available to the public at Sheringham Library. Draft Minutes are also available on the BRPC website.
The Parish Council produces a regular newsletter, "Beeston Regis News" for its parishioners which is delivered to all households.
The Parish Council welcomes the views and input from parishioners and always has a spot on its agendas for "public participation". The chairman regularly calls for adjournments during meetings to allow public participation on items where they have made a request to speak.
The Council is represented on numerous bodies and members report back to the Parish Council regularly.
The Council is a member of the Norfolk Association of Local Councils (NALC).
The precept for the year 2019/20 is £12000. Donations are made to numerous bodies including All Saints' Church (for the upkeep of the graveyard).
Copies of the accounts can be obtained from the Clerk.
Please go to the Meetings section for summary information covering future meetings, or the minutes section for minutes of recent meetings.
A copy of the Chairman of the Council's Annual Report for 2019, along with the Income and Expenditure details, can be found in the Documents, Policies and Procedures, Legal Requirements section.